How to Incorporate the Reggio Emilia Philosophy in the Classroom

Austin Eco Bilingual School
3 min readSep 19, 2022


Reggio Emilia preschools

What is Reggio Emilia Approach to Teaching?

Before we start to talk about the effective ways of incorporating the philosophy of region Emilia style of learning into our classrooms, it gets important to understand what exactly the approach all about is. So in simple terms, it could be determined as an educational philosophy that largely focuses on the development of preschoolers and targets the boost of primary education. The idea is to follow a student-centered approach where the children get the liberty to decide what they wish to learn according to their interests and hobbies. It’s a self-directed model following a self-guided curriculum and focuses on creating a friendly relationship-driven environment in the classrooms. Austin Eco Bilingual School which is one of the most popular Reggio Emilia preschools in Austin set a standard in explaining how effective can the model of Reggio Emilia teaching work.

How to Incorporate the Reggio Emilia Philosophy in the Classroom

The best way to incorporate the philosophy of Reggio Emilia is to clearly understand it oneself at first. If you have the clarity of the ideas then it will become slightly easier to give it back to the learning community. Let us understand some of the specific ways to incorporate the philosophy of Reggio Emilia in the classroom.

· Learning Environment

The environment of the classroom is the first prime step. The students should naturally feel incorporated with the environment and follow the model of self-learning with different lessons and ideas strategically places around the classroom. The more captivating or inviting environment of the classroom will best suit the concept. The material provided for the student should be well organized and easily accessible. Overloading the classroom with the presence of bright color products and learning material is a big no but the use of natural light to display such learning products is appreciated. The classroom should also be avoided being themed on a particular topic rather several areas should be themed for learning such as a dedicated science exploration area or math exploration area.

Also, read about 6 Benefits of Reggio Emilia for Growing Children

· Reggio Emilia-Inspired Morning Tables

Some of the best Reggio Emilia preschools have found a great way to settle down the students when they arrive. Some tables are set up with several items being kept on them which are related to their studies. Let them immerse themselves into these products and develop several questions and therefore they will easily draw into the learning mode without wasting time. It has been a proven method that successfully develops a lot of interest and curiosity in little kids.

· Be A Co-Learner and Not an Instructor

A very important point to execute the philosophy of Reggio Emilia is for the teacher to understand that they should act more as a co-learner rather than an instructor. Try to immerse yourself equally with the kids in every lesson and put up questions out of curiosity while eventually answering them in a fun way. Create a continuous dialogue with all the kids and engage with each of them frequently.

· Strong Parent Involvement

Best Reggio Emilia preschool always suggests an optimistic involvement of the parents at every level. Parents are a kid’s first teachers so their effective involvement will essentially decide the right upbringing of the child and a positive contribution from them can do wonders for the kid.

Also, read about How to Prepare Your Child for an International Preschool?




Austin Eco Bilingual School

AEBS is a Spanish Immersion International School that works with babies, kids, preschool and elementary school up to 1st grade.